Acupuncture, Natural Fertility Therapy, Womens Health, Acupressure, Pregnancy Massage, Chinese Massage, Swedish Relaxation Massage, Stress Management in Aylesbury and Risborough, Buckinghamshire
Acupuncture acts both as a treatment and a preventative medicine. The aim of your individual diagnosis and course of treatments is to get a picture of your whole health. I look for the root of any current problems as well as identifying any potential...
Acupuncture, Natural Fertility Therapy, Reiki in Kenilworth
*Traditional Acupuncture- stress, anxiety, poor sleep, depression, pain, mobility, sports injuries, allergies, hayfever, skin conditions, digestive complaints,IBS , high blood pressure, migraine, IVF, fertility, Phobias. Traditional Acupuncture can h...
Reiki, Acupressure, Indian Head Massage in Aylesbury
Psychotherapy, Counselling, Couples Counselling and EMDR in Oxford
Hello and welcome to my profile. I’m Rayma Pons an experienced Psychotherapist and Counsellor. I am passionate about my work and have tailored my studies to cover my interests in Individual Therapy, Couples Counselling and working with Trauma. ...